So, everyone who wants to publish in CAJMHE should know that the journal publishes the following types of articles:
✔literature reviews with search strategies
✔systematic reviews
✔ expert opinions
✔original research
✔ case studies with an extensive literature review
✔interviews with experts
✔meeting reports
✔ letters and videos
📃The structure of your manuscript should cover the following parts:
1. Title
2. Structured annotation
3. Keywords
4. ORCID identifiers of all co-authors with full information about their correct full names, biographical notes, publications
5. List of abbreviations
6. The main text of the work
7. Author's contribution in accordance with ICMJE authorship criteria
8. Acknowledgment        
9. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
10. Financing
11. Ethical clearance and written informed consent of study participants
12. References
13. Tables
14. Explanations to the tables.
*Link to full instructions for authors planning to submit their manuscripts to CAJMHE: