The Department of Project Management and Commercialization is a subdivision of the Academy, which is engaged in the provision of consulting activities in the conduct of scientific research, publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals, and commercialization of scientific research results.

The main focus areas of the Department

- advising students and staff of the Academy in matters of conducting scientific research, choosing a research design, using databases, and publishing articles

- advising students and employees of the Academy on commercialization, intellectual property protection, and licensing;

- provision of consulting assistance in the search for projects, technologies and innovations for commercialization;

- organizing and conducting training seminars and webinars;

- advising students and employees of the Academy on the use of statistical programs and the choice of statistical calculation methods;

  • Бекарысова Дана
    Head of the Department: Dana Bekaryssova, MD, member of social media advisors team of «Сentral Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics», member of «EMEUNET», a regular reviewer of «Rheumatology International», «Journal of Korean medical science», «Сentral Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics», «Clinical Rheumatology».
  • Малика Шертай
    Department Manager: Malika Shertay, biotechnologist, an expert in start-up project management in Biotechnology and Medicine. «Bolashak» International program alumni, awarded with the scholarship to participate in the «GIST Business Incubation Program», USA.
  • Мухамедияров Майдан
    Medical statistician: Maidan Mukhamediyarov, The Master of medical sciences.