One of the highlights of October was the exhibition "Results of the Academy on commercialization and scientific activity. Achievements and prospects", carried out on the initiative of the Department of scientific and clinical work, PhD doctoral & master's programs and the Department of project management and commercialization. The exhibition was held on October 21 in the small assembly hall. It was dedicated to the achievements of the employees and irradiated students of the Academy in the field of commercialization and scientific activities.
Commercialization of research and development results is a necessary condition for the strategic development of any organization since it ensures the creation of novelty, expands skills and acquired knowledge and improves technologies in the educational space and science. If they are engaged in manufacturing, then in education and medicine, they share the results of scientific activity in journals that are indexed in international databases; some of the scientists are aimed at obtaining security documents, patents, copyright certificates and copyrights.
The leading scientists and specialists of the SKMA, in their scientific works (publication of articles, presentations at international congresses, symposiums, etc.), systematize, summarize, make comparative analyses and process the data obtained by statistical methods.
The newly opened sector allows novice students, young scientists and the teaching staff of the SKMA to plunge into the world of scientific research, get acquainted with the ways of filing applications for intellectual property, find valuable and reliable medical information about diseases and hazardous infections, flip through journals on pharmacy, medicine and healthcare.