The Webinar program:
1. Principles of comprehensive and systematic literature searches in Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and DOAJ; 
2. Conducting and reporting on online surveys;  
3. Using social media metrics for scientific research;
4. basic principles of peer reviewing scientific articles;
5. Identifying and preventing plagiarism;
6. Analyzing examples of ethical and properly formatted scientific articles.

Lecturer: Armen Gasparyan (PhD, Associate Professor of Research and Development Department, University of Birmingham, Dudley, UK; Honorary Professor of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Hirsch index according to Scopus database: 36).
Organizer: Office of Commercialization and Project Management of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", Shymkent, Kazakhstan.
Date and time: September 14, at 14:00 (Astana, KZ time).
Webinar language: Russian
Registration for the webinar is conducted in What's App by number 77755102556 (Nazik Myrzakhan).